OnScreen: for Windows; On-Screen Keyboards with Assistive Technology; Version 1.79; User's Guide | ||
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You may select which Word List you wish to edit by double-clicking or highlighting & pressing Enter while on the appropriate list displayed in the list box selections on the left. The words are displayed to the right and may be modified, deleted, or added. When complete, select OK , or select another Word List to edit. You will be asked to verify saving changes if any modifications are made.
Note: You can also add shorthand (abbreviation) expressions to the dictionary. Use the following format:
abr==Expansion - where "abr" is an abbreviation (up to 3 characters) and the "Expansion" is what you want to be entered when the abbreviation is typed and selected (can be a single word or a phrase).
To create an abbreviation / expansion entry, click on the word list to edit, and add a new line, enter the abbreviation, then the double equal (==), followed by the expansion. Finally, make sure to end with a space after the final character and enter a frequency. For example, "fe==for example 5"
After you add the properly formed abbreviation and expansion to the dictionary, once you start typing the abbreviation will appear in the word list candidates based on the frequency & letters typed. Note only the abbreviation is shown, not the expansion.
Note: Full sentences can also be added to the word lists (word with spaces). The only formatting requirement is that the after the final word, there is a space, followed by a frequency (number).
Formatting Notes
For proper operation of WordComplete, there are several items to be aware of if you choose to Edit Words manually.
1) Each word must be separated from the others by a hard-carriage return. Each word / frequency combination must be on its own line. Do not leave extra lines between words.
2) Spaces are now allowed on the line, so sentences can be used. The space character must be used to separate the word from its frequency count, and the frequency count must be the last entry on the line (before the carriage return). The maximum frequency is 32000 - do not use higher values, do not use commas within the frequency count.
3) Files over 65000 characters will require using WordPad (or another text editor). You must be sure to save the files as Text Only files. The file type must be ANSI, not UNICODE.
When clicked on, the Advanced button opens up the Word List Assistant which contains several features for maintaining & working with word lists.
Building word lists from existing documents & files
Selecting alternate word lists
As seen in ...